Activity history
Shake tracks user's interaction with your app, their network traffic, notifications, logs and system events, and automatically attaches all of those to the ticket.
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User actions
User actions tracking is currently not supported.
Network traffic
Shake provides you a wrapper for dart:io HttpClient class which allows you to track network traffic. Additionally, if you use dio or http packages for sending network requests, you can use one of the extensions below.
Use ShakeHttpClient wrapper class to perform network requests:
import 'package:shake_flutter/network/shake_http_client.dart';void sendNetworkRequest() async {ShakeHttpClient shakeHttpClient = ShakeHttpClient();await shakeHttpClient.getUrl(Uri.parse(""));}
The latest version of Shake dart:io HttpClient wrapper will log network request details without request and response bodies.
All network requests sent with the ShakeHttpClient instance will be visible in Activity history.
Install the shake_dio_interceptor extension for the dio package:
dependencies:shake_dio_interceptor: ^17.0.1
Add ShakeDioInterceptor to your Dio instance:
import 'package:shake_dio_interceptor/shake_dio_interceptor.dart';void sendNetworkRequest() async {Dio dio = Dio();dio.interceptors.add(ShakeDioInterceptor());await dio.get('');}
All network requests sent with the Dio instance will be visible in Activity history.
Install the shake_http_client extension for http package:
dependencies:shake_http_client: ^17.0.1
Use ShakeHttpClient to send network requests:
import 'package:shake_http_client/shake_http_client.dart';void sendNetworkRequest() async {ShakeHttpClient shakeHttpClient = ShakeHttpClient();await shakeHttpClient.get(Uri.parse(''));}
All network requests sent with the ShakeHttpClient instance will be visible in Activity history.
You can add your own custom network requests at any time:
import 'package:shake_flutter/models/network_request.dart';import 'package:shake_flutter/shake_flutter.dart';void insertNetworkRequest() {NetworkRequest networkRequest = NetworkRequest()..method = 'POST'..status = '200'..url = ''..requestBody = 'Request body'..responseBody = 'Response body'..requestHeaders = {'header1': 'requestHeader'}..responseHeaders = {'header2': 'responseHeader'}..duration = = new;Shake.insertNetworkRequest(networkRequest);}
System events
System events - also known as app lifecycle events - are tracked automatically and require no additional setup.
Screen changes
Screen changes detection is currently not supported.
On iOS, notifications are tracked automatically and require no additional setup.
Android requires you to add ShakeNotificationListenerService
to your AndroidManifest file inside application tag:
<serviceandroid:name="com.shakebugs.shake.ShakeNotificationListenerService"android:exported="false"android:permission="android.permission.BIND_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SERVICE"><intent-filter><action android:name="android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService" /></intent-filter></service>
Additionally, app user must manually grant a permission to listen for notifications. You can show notifications permission settings screen using the following method:
Keep in mind that notification listener intercepts notifications in your app. This can be a security issue if your notifications contains authorization codes. Make sure that you remove sensitive data using notification filter described on our privacy page.
You can add your own custom notification events at any time:
import 'package:shake_flutter/models/notification_event.dart';import 'package:shake_flutter/shake_flutter.dart';void insertNotificationEvent() {NotificationEvent notificationEvent = NotificationEvent() = '0'..title = 'Title'..description = 'Description';Shake.insertNotificationEvent(notificationEvent);}
Custom logs
You can add your own logs to Activity history too:
Shake.log(, 'This is a Shake custom log.');
You have these log levels at your disposal:
Console logs
Console logs are recorded automatically and require no additional setup. If you want to disable this feature use the method below:
Activity history is enabled by default, use the method below to disable it altogether: