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Data privacy disclosure

When users send you tickets, Shake "magically" and automatically captures a lot of other data, too. Although it feels like magic, it's not. We want you to fully understand and control it.

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Collected data

Requested by App Store

This icon additionally marks App Store categories which you will have to check when submitting your app. Visit App privacy details on the App Store to learn more.

DataAttributes and sensitivityDescription
Phone number                                                                  Not collected.
NameNot collected.
Email addressNot collected.
Physical addressNot collected.
Other contact informationNot collected.
Health or fitness dataNot collected.
Payment, credit or other financial infoNot collected.
Precise or coarse locationNot collected.
Sensitive infoNot collected.
User's contacts, emails or text messagesNot collected.
Photos, videos or other user's filesOptional May contain PIIShake does not automatically collect the contents of the user Gallery or similar locations. However, keep in mind that your users can decide to attach any of their files by browsing their device themselves, and those files could contain PII.
Audio or gameplay dataNot collected.
Customer support or other user contentNot collected.
Browsing, purchase or search historyNot collected.
Device IDNon-PIIRequested by App Store Bundle identifier, DeviceID, platform and operating system. Not used for advertising.
Product interactionOptional May contain PIIRequested by App Store Shake's Activity history shows a timeline of all user actions (every tap, swipe, pan), their network requests (request header and body, response header and body), system events (app status changes), view controller changes (the user navigating your app), push notifications that arrive, custom logs and application console logs. Shake SDK automatically deletes as much PII as possible on the mobile device itself. It also gives you additional methods to manage, delete and obfuscate any potential PII on the mobile device itself before anything is sent to Shake servers.
Advertising dataNot collected.
Other usage dataNot collected.
Performance dataOptional Non-PIIRequested by App Store Shake's Black box can show you the last 60 seconds of device memory usage, your app memory usage, network connectivity changes, device orientation and the CPU levels. You can also disable it.
Other diagnostic dataNon-PIIRequested by App Store Collected.
ScreenshotOptional May contain PIIA screenshot of the user's screen at the moment Shake is invoked. You can avoid capturing PII on the screenshot by marking sensitive views as private. In the case of manual invocation, your users can additionally blur or delete the screenshot before submitting the ticket.
Screen recordingOptional May contain PIIAutomatically-captured video of what the user did in your app during the last 15 seconds prior to submitting a ticket. It's disabled by default. If you enable it, your users will be asked to allow screen recording first and will have the ability to delete it before submitting the ticket too. Shake doesn't record other apps' content — just yours. Use this optional feature only during internal testing.
PermissionsNon-PIIA list of permissions the user has granted to your app.
User emailOptional May contain PIIThe user that's submitting a ticket enters this data themselves. If you decide you don't want to collect this data, you can hide this field.
TimeNon-PIIA timestamp of the moment Shake was invoked.
OSNon-PIIThe operating system version of the user’s device.
DeviceNon-PIIThe user device model, Samsung Galaxy S8 for example.
App versionNon-PIIThe build version of your app, 1.5.42 for example.
NetworkNon-PIIThe network connection type (WiFi, cellular or offline) and name.
Current viewNon-PIIThe app screen on which Shake was invoked.
TimezoneNon-PIIThe system settings timezone.
City and countryNon-PIIThe city from which the ticket was sent. As with any network header on the Internet — that's how the Internet works — Shake SDK's header also contains the sender's IP address. Shake servers read only the request's city (nothing more geographically precise than that), saves that city name and never saves the IP address. Even though some don't consider the IP address PII, we choose to err on the side of caution and want to ensure everyone’s complete safety and security by not saving it.
LocaleNon-PIIThe system settings locale, en-US for example.
Battery statusNon-PIIThe battery percentage and whether the device was being charged at that moment.
Your app memory usageNon-PIIHow much memory your app was using.
Used storageNon-PIIHow much storage is still available on the user's device.
Authentication to unlock deviceNon-PIIWhether or not the user had to somehow unlock the device to use it, with Touch ID for example.
ResolutionNon-PIIThe screen width ✕ height in pixels.
OrientationNon-PIIThe device orientation at the moment when the feedback was submitted, landscape for example.
DensityNon-PIIThe screen pixel density, XHDPI for example.
Shake SDKNon-PIIThe version of Shake SDK that was used to submit the ticket.
MetadataOptional May contain PIIYou can send yourself a value of any variable from your app. Use this feature safely and respectfully.
Custom filesOptional May contain PIIYou can prepare and send to yourself any file that you want from your app. Use this feature safely and respectfully.

Additional notes

You may receive PII if you don't use Shake carefully so please:

  • Double-check additional files and data you attach to tickets.
  • Openly disclose collected data with the regulating authority, such as the app store.
  • Protect sensitive data to avoid capturing and sending PII to Shake servers.