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Feedback type

By default, your users have to categorize their feedback so you can filter and browse it more easily later on.

User feedback type


Your users categorize every feedback as either a bug report, an improvement suggestion, or a question. Depending on what they choose, their feedback arrives with the bug, suggestion or question tag to your Shake dashboard.

Custom feedback types

You can configure Shake to display any number of custom feedback types related to your app. Shake exposes an internal SHKFeedbackType type which is used to encapsulate the properties of your custom category. Here's an example:

let hardwareCategory = SHKFeedbackEntry(title: "Hardware issue", andTag: "hardware", icon: hardwareIssueIcon) /// Icon is optional
let callCategory = SHKFeedbackEntry(title: "Call audio problem", andTag: "call_audio", icon: nil)
let syncCategory = SHKFeedbackEntry(title: "File sync issue", andTag: "file_sync", icon: nil)
Shake.setFeedbackTypes([hardwareCategory, callCategory, syncCategory])

There is no limit to the number of categories you can enter.

Along with the setFeedbackTypes method, Shake also exposes the getFeedbackTypes method which allows you to grab the current set of SHKFeedbackType and use them however you like.

As an example, certain parts of your app can have specific features, so you can have different feedback types for different parts of your app:

func enableVideoCallFeature(contactID: String) {
let videoCallCategory = SHKFeedbackEntry(title: "Video Call", andTag: "video_call", icon: nil)
var existing = Shake.getFeedbackTypes()


If you don't want to force your users to categorize their feedback, simply hide this element:

Shake.configuration.isFeedbackTypeEnabled = false