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Test it

Let's crash your app to see what the crash report looks like on your Shake dashboard.

Crash your app

Enable crash reporting and paste this code to the onCreate method in one of your activities. It will crash your app when you tap a button by accessing the array with the out-of-bounds index:

public class MainActivity : Activity {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val buttonCrash: Button = findViewById(
buttonCrash.setOnClickListener {
val array = arrayOf(1, 2, 3)
val result = array[5]

Reopen your app, describe the crash and tap Submit.

Visit your Shake dashboard

To see your crash report:

  1. Visit your Shake dashboard
  2. Switch to the Crash reports tab in the left sidebar

If your crash report is not visible instantly, wait a minute until the system processes it.