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The User feedback module allows your users and testers to seamlessly report their feedback to you.

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When this module is enabled, you have various options for how, when and where to invoke Shake in your app. Explore the docs and customize Shake's User feedback module to your needs. To get you started, here are just two examples:

Open Shake New ticket screen

Common internal testing setup: Make Shake's New ticket screen available from anywhere

Open Shake Home screen

Common production setup: A button on your Help screen that opens Shake's Home screen

Shared configuration

User feedback module pulls your Configuration and data settings.

This means that all user feedback comes to you with an auto screenshot, an auto screen recording of what happened before the ticket was submitted, activity history and other useful data.

⚡️ Shake is improved every week. Stumbled upon a bug? Want a new feature to be added? Create new tickets and upvote existing ones on the Public feedback board.